Boat trailer parts near me
Boat trailer parts near me

boat trailer parts near me

Much like the plas­tic slicks, the plas­tic bunk cov­ers are a more heavy duty solu­tion to upgrad­ing your exist­ing boat trail­er bunks.

boat trailer parts near me

Boat Trailer Plastic Bunk Covers / Wraps Dallas View boat trail­er plas­tic slicks Dal­las. No more stick­ing and strug­gling to launch and retrieve your boat.

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By quick­ly screw­ing the plas­tic slicks to the car­pet, these pro­files allow alu­mini­um bulls to slide with ease. Boat Trailer Plastic Slicks Dallasīoat trail­er plas­tic slicks are ide­al for those look­ing for a quick and sim­ple solu­tion to upgrade their exist­ing car­pet bunks. Ultra High Plas­tic bunks attempt to elim­i­nate these prob­lems and offer the user a quick and effi­cient prod­uct to launch and retrieve their boats. Car­pet bunks have a his­to­ry of crack­ing, split­ting, tear­ing and need con­stant replace­ment. Extrud­ed from sol­id plas­tic, these boat trail­er bunks are designed to offer opti­mal per­for­mance and elim­i­nate the issues car­pet bunks give boat users. Boat Trailer Plastic Bunks Dallasīoat trail­er plas­tic bunks are ide­al for use with alu­mini­um boats and hulls. They are not injec­tion mold­ed and offer the user a far more supe­ri­or prod­uct then rub­ber or pvc boat rollers. Like our trail­er bunks, our plas­tic rollers are machined form sol­id high qual­i­ty plas­tic. Plas­tic bunks elim­i­nates these issues! Long life, slip­pery pro­files allow for the boat user to no longer strug­gle launch­ing and retriev­ing their boats and can spend more time on the water with their fam­i­ly and friends.Īlong with our plas­tic boat trail­er bunks, Ultra High out of Dal­las Texas also pro­duce high qual­i­ty plas­tic keel rollers. Car­pet bunks have a rep­u­ta­tion for split­ting, crack­ing and need­ing con­stant replac­ing when used with alu­mini­um boats.

boat trailer parts near me

Most US con­sumers are used to only have one option for their boat trail­ers and that is car­pet bunks. With over 30 years of his­to­ry, we have done the research, we have done the study, we have done the pro­duc­tion to pro­duce the best plas­tic boat trail­er parts in the world! Ultra High spe­cial­izes in pro­duc­ing plas­tic boat trail­er bunks, slicks, keel rollers, bunk skids / bunk wraps for alu­mini­um boats and trail­ers. With a long his­to­ry in Plas­tics man­u­fac­tur­ing and sup­ply­ing boat trail­er parts for the Aus­tralian marine indus­try, Ultra High has now intro­duced its world lead­ing per­for­mance boat trail­er parts for the US market. Boat Trail­er Spares Online a Com­pa­ny by Ultra High LLC pri­ma­ry loca­tion and head office is locat­ed in Decatur, just out­side of Dal­las Texas.

Boat trailer parts near me